First Post Today:18-02-18

                            The First Time

       This is my first formal entry and I am so excited because this is one thing I've wanted to do since forever (its been 3 years actually but that's how it felt). I'm also quite nervous because I don't know how this will go but I'm hoping we enjoy this journey together (yeah, I mean us... as in me and you).
     Someone once said; "writing and keeping it to yourself is like masturbating but sharing your thoughts and ideas is much more sex". We all know which side I'm sitting with.

      So there's going to be posts on here on anything and everything publishable and meaningful that matters to us; Family, Love, Spirituality, Books, Music, Humour, Problems with solutions and some problems without which you could help me with. There are also going to be posts by writers other than me who want to share life issues. It's going to be an incredible journey, I'm almost shivering with excitement and I would love you to share in this excitement as we grow to live the lives we deserve.. giving and living. Now I'm going to take the second most important step. Click the publish button.

Tata for now, till my next post.


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