The Butterfly Effect
Ever wondered why bad things happen to good people?
Why someone so "innocent" seems to pay for a crime they didn’t commit.
Well, Edward Lorenz describes this as the "sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state."
I have a feeling…A very strong one, that you didn’t read all that.So I'm going to explain it in a language that normal people understand. Our friend Edward here is just trying to say albeit in scientific terms using magnanimous words that simply means that there is a repercussion for every action. Lorenz believed that destructive things such as tornadoes were reactions to subtle things like a simple and gentle flap of a butterfly's wings. Please don't start thinking about starting a "WAR AGAINST THE BUTTERFLY" campaign because although they seem to be the culprits here, they are not the only ones involved. He just used the butterfly as a case study; that if something as light as the wings of a butterfly create a vibration, the vibrations continue to add up until the terminal stage when something sets it off and KA BOOM, there goes tornado Sally.
Now, this is the same reason for the tornadoes that happen in some of our lives.
The fact that someone somewhere did something seemingly harmless, just a little selfish decision and someone else after that thought to take things a little bit further and before you know, it’s the fourth generation and someone doesn't understand why nothing is working quite the way it is supposed to... why everything is in chaos. But that's the butterfly effect at work. This is simply to make us understand that our actions, every single one comes with consequences (reactions really and not exactly equal and opposite as Newton postulated) and although we might not be the ones to bear those consequences, it doesn’t mean we should act without reason.
Fichte, a German Philosopher, in his book- the Vocation of Man says;
"You could not remove a single grain of sand from its place without thereby changing something throughout all parts of the immeasurable whole".
That quote in itself is an amazing fact and could change the entire course of mankind. Think about it.
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